
Welcoming a new baby into the family brings joy, but also other unexpected emotions and decisions. I have been humbled and honored to be a part of this beautiful and vulnerable transition for numerous families as a mother-baby nurse. I have come to find that some education and encouragement can go a long way during this special time. I have also come to find that I LOVE being a source of both of those things, and I hope to be able to send some positive vibes along to more families. I received some divine inspiration to share my knowledge of breastfeeding in this way and I am excited to get started! I also hope to foster a community of families that can share their own insights, experiences, and questions. Unfortunately, there are many negative vibes in the realm of all things baby, and I pledge to make this a haven from the bad voodoo. I firmly believe that the best decisions are those that lead to happy and healthy babies and families. My mission is to empower and inform so th